Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I will never be

Have you'll heard about the recent huha regarding how the axis of earth's rotation has changed and thus so will your zodiac signs? i heard about it from the most reliable source, Facebook (the best thing ever created in this world, apart from me) ok the last part is kind of a joke, a bad joke :) So I finally Googled what was all these about and stumbled upon the devastating news of me being demoted to a Cancer-ian. Yucks!! No offence fellow cancer-ians, but I will never be anything other than a Leo. Just to sate my curiosity i tried googling cancer and the first on the results list was of course Wikipedia.

Cancer /ˈkænsər/ ( listen) (medical term: malignant neoplasm) is a class of disease in which a group of cells display uncontrolled growth through division...

The above is the small excerpt explaining it. So choi la.. Adoi!! So tried typing in cancer signs, and lo behold i get results of cancer signs and symptoms. None of the results on the first page says anything about the zodiac sign cancer. And 1 page is the max people view for one search query.
How la like this? Only when i typed cancer zodiac did it materialise. And its description is so not me although this might be because i am mentally unprepared to change, which further strengthens my argument, because Cancer-ians are able to adapt well. And they are very feminine in nature. not.
So i have decided to ditch this sign change and stick with good ol' Leo and its wiggly bended sperm sign :)

thats right

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